Me & My Style…

This is me –


I suppose I have a sort of style, I like quirky prints and patterns and a perhaps unhealthy hankering for mock wrap tops and Wonder Woman related things.

I am often drawn to stripes and polka dots, purples, teals and reds and just lately mustard yellows.

To give you a bit of an idea about the sorts of things I like to wear, I’ll give you a run down of what I have been wearing today.

I have been sporting this rather nice simple black wrap top from Boden. I like their tops as they are long line so aren’t skimming on the waist of my trousers and me feeling like I have to constantly pull it down. The only downside is that for all their wrap tops, the wrap crosses over quite low so I stitched them all up so that they sit right on me without revealing too much of myself to the world!


Image from the Boden website

And this pair of maroon jeans with black polka dots I got in the sale from H by Henry Holland for £10.50 last month (via Debenhams). I like these because they are quite different to most trousers I have. I love the colour and they fit perfectly – and I wasn’t quite expecting that from a ‘designer’ brand. I am not a skinny stick girl so I do get annoyed at the variation between brands with sizes, so I was all prepared for sending these back or keeping them under my bed until I’d lost some weight, but nope – they were just right!

HH Jeans

Image from the Debenhams Ebay page

And a pair of these funky little mustard flats from Clarks (from the local outlet store for £19.00.) I’d been hunting down a pair of these that weren’t going to cost me a lot, I ended up getting them in the next size up from my usual size, but I wear them with inner soles, but if I was to get another pair I’d probably get them in the half size up from my usual size. They are nice and comfy and since I am having to stick to flat shoes these days after my ankle incident last year, they are great for wearing around the office and going out around town.

Image from eBay

I also recently got myself a new handbag. I prefer bags that have cross-body straps as I get annoyed having short straps that hold bags just under your armpit and always keep slipping off the shoulder. This one I picked up from the Nicky James collection – the grown up offerings of Tyrrel Katz London. I love fox prints on things and this was right up my street so I just had to have it. And likewise from the same collection I have a squirrel print purse. I got complimented on it at the bank today, I often get a lot of admiring comments about it.


Images from the Tyrrel Katz website

My hair today was left over curls from having my hair in a loose bun overnight. Usually my hair is ramrod straight, it’s ability to hold a style is pathetic. Most attempts to curl my hair tend to fall out after about an hour or less. Of course as someone with straight hair I have always wanted curly hair. When I was younger my hair was quite thick, but these days it is a bit thinner. At the moment I am trying out the Loreal Elvive thickening shampoo and conditioner, and it seems to be working with making it look a bit more fuller without feeling too gacked up with product. As usual I was wearing my red framed glasses, (and shush – Wonder Woman underpants.)

I’m also now on the hunt for a decent pair of Wellington boots, as of this week Mr C and I have become the proud tenants of an allotment down the road from us! It’s a bit overgrown and needs some work – but looking forward to getting it up to scratch and starting to grow things! We don’t have a garden so it will be nice to have a little place to go! It is within cycling distance of our house, so once we’ve taken all our tools down there it can be a nice thing to head down there in the evenings & weekends to get our own little bit of The Good Life! Of course I am currently perusing selections of polka dot wellies…


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4 thoughts on “Me & My Style…

  1. My husband just asked me a few days ago if I ever had Wonder Woman underoos. I can’t remember! It sounds like something I would have happily worn but I don’t know if my mom would have spent extra money for something like that. 🙂

    • 🙂 I think when I was a kid I didn’t get superhero undies, probably more like Mickey Mouse or Snoopy or Tom & Jerry!

      So I suppose I’m making up for that now, I have so many pairs!

  2. I have the same issue with sizing problems. Sometimes I’ll even order dressy pants from Victoria’s Secret – exact same style, fabric, size and one will be too loose and other so tight I can’t even get them over my hips and rear end!

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